Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31st, 2011

Devotional: Can we just all try to spend this day in love? :)

January 30th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Isaiah 50:4.
The Lord gives us wisdom. he strengthens us daily and renews His Love for us. God's grace pours out among us, even if we cannot see. He gives this all to us so that we can lead others to recognize that He is Lord over the Heavens and earth. Oh, how He loves us. I love you, and so does God. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 29th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Lamantations 3:25-27.
Sometimes we may feel upset when we sin,and that's what a lot of us feel. And some of those times, we may feel punished like we're grounded. God will do that sometimes, but here's something you may not have known. He's doing it to help make you stronger. It totally won't even feel like it, but that's why He does it. To see what you will do. You can sit and mope like a child, or continue praising Him, and asking for His forgiveness. It'll come to an end eventually, but you gotta have your priorities set first. And those priorities are what you decide to do in this trial. :) I love you! Have a wonderful rest of the day! :D

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28th, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Corinthians 13.
"Use your abilities at this time to stay focused on your goal. You will succeed." This was a fortune I got from a fortune cookie. With the love of Christ, you conquer over all. Because nothing stands in the way of Love. Love never fails. Nothing can break Love. Nothing can shake Love. Nothing can quake Love. And nothing can fake Love. Love is here to stay. Regardless of what you have against Love, it's not leaving. Love is here. Love is near. So do not fear. For Love is here. :) I Love You.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27th, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Corinthians 13.
The freedom we have in Christ is, well, free! You can take it now, if you'd like. the pleasing satisfaction of Holiness and Love rapidly shooting itself through your veins is to die for. Literally. Once you experience it, you'll actually want to die for someone cause you love em so much! Promise. :) I love you!!!!! :D

January 26th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Psalms 6:4;10.
This whole psalm is pretty dreadful. Like when you're stuck in a rut and you're clinging onto God for dear survival. Where your faith is arid and weak. Where you feel no presence of God anywhere. But these two little verses are strong. They bring hope. When I read this psalm just now, it started out how I probably would start it when I'm depressed. But in the middle, the author wrote, "Turn, O Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love." This is what struck a nerve for me. By saying this, the author still has the hope remaining. The belief that God will call upon Him. Love you. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25th, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Corinthians 16:13.
Take Jesus up in your life now, and you'll never fall short of the best you can be again. Because with Christ, you are made stronger than any animal, wiser than any history book, and more beautiful than any jewel. With Jesus, you life will become complete. :) love you!

January 24th, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Corinthians 13.
Give your heart to the Lord, and the Lord only. But give your Love to everyone, and in abundance. Never let someone go without first giving them Love. Because they're gonna need it, and you could be the last one to show them what they'll desperately crave inside. Love. God is Love. <3

January 23rd, 2011

No devotional again, again. Sorry, been busy with homework with weekend. :( But I love you! :)

January 22nd, 2011

No devotional again. :( I'm sorry. But that doesn't mean I don't love ya! ;D

January 21st, 2011

Sorry. No devotional for today. :( I still love you though! :D

January 20th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Phillipians 2:3-4.
Everybody deserves to be treated fairly. Everybody. Don;t cut somebody off for not replying to a text right away. You don't know their situation, so don't be a jerk. Be like Jesus. nice, patient, and full of compassion and love for those around you. <3 I loooooove you. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Ephesians 3:12 & Philippians 4:13.
Take pride and have confidence in the Lord for who He is. For He is strong and full of Might, yet so Loving and Compassionate towards His children. God is understanding. He knows the pains you go through every second of every day. There's not reason not to have pride in Jesus, cause hey, He IS the most High and the Mightiest ruler of the Heavens and Earth. The Lord has all the power you can imagine and more. Have that confidence, refine it in the fires of the Lord's Love, and apply is to you everyday life. Believe you can do anything because you can. You can do all things through Christ Jesus whom strengthens your body, mind, spirit, soul, and the rest of your being. Live for His Love. Live for the Love that makes you strong. God's Love. ;D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18th, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Corinthians 13.
God loves you to the point where He would give anything, even His Son, for you, and He has. Jesus loves you to the point where He would give His life to save His Father's people, and He has. Do you love Jesus, or anyone, enough to give your life to show that you love them? I'd die for you. <3

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th, 2011

This is today's devotional: John 19:30.
So raise a shout, to let all the world know that Jesus Saves! I just Love Jesus so much that I would easily give my life to show it. I'd do anything to show my Love for my Lord. You? <3 <3 <3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Psalm 34:1-14.
When there's nothing else to do or no where else to turn to, you can always praise Jesus. Because everyone need compassion, and a Love that's never failing. <3

January 15th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Psalm 73:26.
Cry out, it's okay. It's not a sign of weakness, but of craving strength. Strength from the Almighty and Powerful. Letting the Lord be your source of Life is no mistake, but the choice of the Righteous.

January 14th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Leviticus 18:24-27.
And what a defiled place this world is. But this is what Jesus' Saving Grace and love is for. He is here to save you, and all the nations from what we have done. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13th, 2011

This is today's devotional:
How deep You shine Your Light, into the depths of this world. You are Strong, full of might, so one day You'll bring the Devil's night. On that night, he thinks he'll reign, but You are our Father, who will bring the pain! That pain, that hurt he will feel, as we stand on our Rock, ready to heal. Lifting up those, who have not yet come, giving them freedom, before the night is done. When You finish him off, Your children will shout, unto you Lord, for no more, is this bout. I rejoice in Your Name, forever and ever. Your Holiness is turned unto, it will wipe us clean, no more worries, no one will be mean. I love You, Jesus, for You are my God. The Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, comforter of the worried, to who's Love I cling. Satan's no worry, not even a bother, cause he doesn't compare, when You are my Father.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Deuteronomy 11:13.
God's Laws He has given to us are here to show Love for our Kin, because when we obey God, we show our Love for God by honoring Him, and when we honor Him, He blesses us. God gave us these laws so He may bless us. He works everything together for our good. <3

January 11th, 2011

Sorry, no devotional today. :( But there's one for tomorrow. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th, 2011

Surprise devotional! Luke 17:10. We are never done serving. Only are we finished after the end of Christ's Second Coming. And still then, we continue to praise and honor our Father forever more. A job is never finished until your boss says for it to be. So lift up those ancient gates and let the King work through you for His Name's sake. :)

January 10th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Ephesians 5:2.
It's okay, everybody! Jesus died for us for good, so we can stop killing lambs for our sins! :) Jesus is so amazing. Would you die for somebody you love and take their burdens? What about someone you don't know? Well, the Bible calls us to love a life like Christ, and He died for those He didn't know, and for the sins of ALL men, so should we die for the people? Absolutely. No one person is better than another. So it out of Love for the sinner and the righteous, alike! ;D

January, 9th, 2011

No devotional today. I have no excuse. :( Sorry. :'(

January 8th, 2011

No devoitonal today. Or Tomorrow. I'm at my youth group's Winter retreat, Elevate! :D Gotta Love Jesus!!! :DDDDDD

January 7th, 2010

This is today's devotional: Matthew 22:37-40.
With these guidelines to life, you've got it made. <3

January 6th, 2011

This is today's devotional: Psalm 16.
Jesus is light. he shines brightly and makes darkness fall. He is the upbringing of prophets, and the downcasting, the fall of sin. He can make nations rise and fall if He pleases. His power overwhelms the Body, for that is what we live for. To bring the everlasting life to the realization of those who are stuck. He will save us when we want Him to. A hand, always stretched out in the darkness, waiting for you to turn and see it. Our humanly form cannot stand what God has for us. One day, all of Heaven can be you trophy. To reside next to the ruler of the heavens and the earth. Voices can do nothing but give you doubt, but the Truth will give you nothing but ease, made in itself. life everlasting is your prize if you desire life more than anything else Jesus is Mighty. Mighty to save.

January 5th, 2011

No devotional today, either. I'm sorry. :(

January 4th, 2011

No devotional today. Sorry. :(
I gotta get back on this! I'm loosing track of the day, so that makes it hard for me to post my devotionals! Sorry. :(

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Peter 5:7.
God cares enough for you that He will take your load if you give it to Him to deal with. he loves you no more or no less regardless of what you have done. That's grace. And His Grace is renewed everyday. :)

January 2nd, 2011

This is today's devotional: 1 Peter 4:1-2.
There are many pleasures in the world. Anger can even be considered a pleasure. Because it's considered as pleasing your need to express emotion, i.e. anger. You can get angry at other people. You can get angry while driving. You can get angry at a game. There's a lot you can get angry at. But you can replace anger with patience and kindness. Patience when other cars cut you off, kindness when people are mean to you, and both just all of the time. You don;t see anger, or any other negative emotion as a fruit of the spirit, so why give evil the attention it craves from you?

January 1st, 2011

This is today's devotional: Jeremiah 29:11-13.
God has a plan for you. He has a plan for us all. But, will you take advantage of that plan? He wants the best for you. He wants the best for us all. But do you want to live to the fullest extent you can?

December 31st, 2010

This is today's devotional: Ezekiel 20:39-44.
After trail and error, after being fed up with the way you live, after everything has gone how you alone have wanted it, the Lord will still take you back. Arms full of Love, and a Heart full of grace and Mercy, God will keep you there, with Him, where you will forever remain. It's never too late to turn to God. He is willing to fix what you have broken, and will fill your body with radiant Love. You just have to lay yourself down. <3

December 30th, 2010

No devotional today. I'm really sorry. :'(
Keep on Loving! :D

December 29th, 2010

This is today's devotional: Psalm 65:3. Sin has been taken away. There is no more debt. How will you repay the One who took the tab for you? ;D

December 28th, 2010

This is today's devotional: Colossians 1:22.
Stop living and put your Life in His Hands already! You know you want more, so take it. There is much, and it's been given to you. :)

December 27th, 2010

This is today's devotional: Psalm 119:105-120. The Word os God prevails, so following the Word of God will lead you on a prevailing path. It's just a matter of wanting success or not. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Promise.

December 26th, 2010

This is today's devotional: 2 Chronicles 15:7. Don't give up! Strive for the best you can do! If somebody tries to discourage you cause you're best isn't up to their standards, let them. The Glory of the lord is upon you, persuading you to do the best you can so you shall receive God's Honor like the work His Son did. They can't hurt your feelings unless you let them. Love you! :D